
2020-06-14T07:59:37+00:00June 14th, 2020|Alannah's blog|

My innate need for control has its own strong mind and will. While the world as we know it changes, my own  internal world tries to keep things ‘the same’. Stopping the boat from rocking because that way I feel a sense of ‘ok-ness’ (technical word!). Let’s keep things going, that little voice in my head whispers, she whispers louder at night, when the world sleeps, she gets grumpier. She is lining up neat, symetrical rows. Whispering, what is working and what is not working. As night gets darker, and deeper, her voice gets louder. Till [...]

Corona Virus Living

2020-10-09T05:20:19+00:00April 24th, 2020|Alannah's blog|

Coronavirus Commune: meet the families who found a way to thrive through the crisis IMAGEWrites: As a result of the pandemic IMAGE contributing photographer Isabelle Coyle and friends established a new way of living in Sligo. Lizzie Gore-Grimes meets the five adults, six children, one teenager and three dogs living in the coronavirus commune. Photography by Ali Stewart. Isabelle and friends on the rocks   It seems bizarrely appropriate that as I come off the phone to Isabelle, The Beatles ‘Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da’ is playing on the radio. It’s like gorilla glue that song, I still haven’t managed to [...]

Cold water therapy

2019-12-13T11:27:33+00:00December 13th, 2019|Alannah's blog|

The cold Atlantic ocean in the middle of December. Sure what better time to get in. The stark, cold, instant activation of the body is why we do it. The cold water is a power unto itself, and what’s more….its free. Exposure to the cold water has numerous health benefits, including fat loss, reduction of inflammation, improved sleep quality, balanced hormonal levels, balanced mood, facilitates in a stronger immune system, and produces feel good hormones, known as endorphins. If you could purchase all these elements in one bottle you would. So, what’s stopping us from making [...]

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