What is counselling? Counselling can mean different things to different people. Everyone may need counselling at some time of their lives. It’s a safe place to speak, explore ones feelings and emotions. To understand ones behaviours or to change unwanted thoughts, beliefs and behaviours.

Counselling is a fully supported safe place for people to talk about how they are feeling. What is going on in their lives and what might be troubling them. It’s important when looking for a counsellor that one feels comfortable with that counsellor. Comfortable in the space and supported at all times. It is ok to ‘shop around’ for a counsellor that is the right ‘fit’ for you. That sometimes means one might see more than one counsellor to explore options.

Counselling is an unbiased, non judgemental space of support. Life can be challenging at times, hard to navigate never be afraid to speak to your prospective counsellor before you make a decision.